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Helping people grow

Personal and Leadership Development
by Wendy Forrester


"Our aim is to help you grow in insight, knowledge, skills and confidence so that you feel good, smile more and achieve your goals." Wendy Forrester

Do you want to GROW?

Do you want to GROW in self-awareness, understanding or confidence? Do you want to GROW your skills, abilities or knowledge so you’re more effective in your work and relationships? Do you want to GROW your options and possibilities? Really importantly, do you want to GROW so you achieve the results you dream about? If you do, and something is currently getting in the way of you achieving any of the above (time, workload, family commitments, lack of confidence, unsure how to start, the little voice inside your head…?) then keep reading.

Do you want at least one of the following?  

  • Better working relationships with your team/peers/colleagues/boss

  • Better relationships with your partner/family/friends (or even yourself) 

  • To understand how you tick and why you do what you do

  • To reach your potential (at work, home and/or in life generally) 

  • To feel more in control of your actions, outcomes and journey your life is taking

  • To let go of the fear that keeps you rooted in the present

  • To know how to do any or all of the above

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Underpinning Beliefs
All our workshops and development programmes follow five underpinning beliefs:  

People aren't broken
and they don't 
need fixing

You may not currently be getting the results you want in life but that’s not because you can’t, it’s because something is getting in the way. We will help you find out what that is and how to get over it, under it or around it! 

Honesty is
the best policy


Throughout your journey it’s important that you are honest with yourself about what you want and how your current thinking, feeling and behaviours are impacting your results and those around you. It’s equally important that we provide you with honest, accurate, constructive feedback.  

Learning is better
when it's fun

This is a no-brainer!  We may be intensely serious about your development, but we’re also committed to making your learning experience as enjoyable as possible. 

High support and high challenge are essential for growth

Lasting development doesn’t just happen; it’s a journey that involves moving out of your comfort zone, learning new approaches and challenging yourself to try them. We will challenge you to try new things, but we’ll also support you during the process. Our balance of high support, high challenge is often the difference that makes the difference to the results you will achieve.   

Most importantly,we believe URAOK

This is a no-brainer!  We may be intensely serious about your development, but we’re also committed to making your learning experience as enjoyable as possible. 

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